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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Does Brainswitching Work for Despair and Hopelessness?

Dear A.B. Curtiss,

I took LSD a couple months ago and experienced what is known as a bad trip. Since then, I have been somewhat depressed and detached socially. I have also had trouble sleeping and several times throughout the day I find myself anxious over things that I know I shouldnt worry about. I am in college so the combined stress of being socially detached and schoolwork is completely overwhelming. Although the drug may have possibly triggered a mental illness, I was wondering if it is still possible to use your methods listed in Depression is a Choice to overcome the despair and hopelessness I face on a daily basis. Is it still possible to "rewire" the brain, and change my mindset so I can be normal again and be excited about what is to come in the future? FDS

Dear FDS,

I don't know anything about the effects of drugs so to be on the safe side you should speak to your medical doctor about your symptoms. As far as using my books DEPRESSION IS A CHOICE and BRAINSWITCH OUT OF DEPRESSION to rewire you brain, you are rewiring your brain every day of your life already. So you might as well rewire it in a positive way, on purpose, as opposed to rewiring it accidentally along the lines of depression, fear, anxiety, and worrying about things you know you shouldn't be worried about.

Remember that the brain always follows the direction of its most current dominant thought. To make any thought dominant, you think it over and over, on purpose. Or you can have a thought become dominant, like a depressive thought or an anxious thought, or even a crazy thought, by letting your habitual wandering thoughts recreate themselves over and over in your brain. Everybody has accidental crazy thoughts that pop up. It's your responsibility not to dwell on them, but quickly ignore them, and chose more productive on-purpose thinking.

There is no downside risk to taking charge of your own thinking and deciding to think productive thoughts, on purpose, rather than depressive, anxious or crazy ones, by habit.

For improving your social skills I suggest reading Dale Carnegie's book How to Win Friends and Influence People and, if you can manage the time, take a course in Toastmaster's International which is in most towns, even small ones, and is very inexpensive. Not only will you get in touch with your own repressed fear but you will see other people struggling with their own fears of public speaking. A. B. Curtiss

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