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Thursday, July 21, 2011

These Affirmations are Helping Me

Dear A. B.

These affirmations are helping me.

 1. I choose to grow and become a better person.
 2. Each day I am becoming a better person.
 3. I am happy with the progress I am making in improving my behavior and attitude.
 4. Everyday I am forming  new and healthier habits.
 5. Every day my attitude toward everything  in life is becoming more and more positive.
 6. My mind always sees the bright side of life.
 7. I remain calm in difficult and trying situations.
 8. I am a more relaxed person.
 9. I am glad my self-control is getting better and better.
10. Day by day I am improving and strengthening my self-discipline.
11. My self-discipline is growing and getting stronger.
12. I control my moods, not the outside world.
13. Happiness pervades my whole life.
14. Happiness is automatically developing in me.
15. I enjoy making people happy.
16. I am responsible for all my actions.
17. I am responsible for my life.
18. I am a more reliable person now.
19.  I am becoming more considerate and tolerant.
20. Every person has the right to be happy and free.
21. Positive thoughts,  habits and ideas are taking root in my mind.

Regards, R.

Dear R,

Thanks for passing them on. I'm sure they will be helpful to many others as well. A. B. Curtiss

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