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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Seems Impossible Today May be Possible Tomorrow

Dear AB,

I just don't have the confidence to face work anymore.... or put myself through the pain --- sure, its probably nothing compared to Viktor Frankl -- But I cannot be that strong like you or him.   Everything you say makes sense theoretically but practically it's very challenging.

I am so tempted to give up on work ---- I haven't given it much time to think about my next move -- I really have no energy left after work - even on weekends. I know there are no other positions, or with my record of sick leave and recent poor performance they would not accommodate for me, I’m pretty sure.  I'm calling in sick today.  I know you say it's just a chemical imbalance, but until I’m able to perfect it, I feel I’ve reached that limit point.   I'm sorry to disappoint you despite all your help, support and encouragements.   Kindest regards,  Y

Dear Y__________

What seems like impossible today may change and be possible tomorrow. There is always the possibility of some small positive light that will suddenly show itself and we may follow it. Anything productive, anything positive, no matter how small a victory. Take heart from your victories no matter how small. You took a shower? That's a start. You brushed your teeth. Good for you. You made your bed. Wonderful. Just keep  going in that direction, give yourself credit for something done and look to the next task. A. B. Curtiss

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Ginger,

I wasn't checking the blog so I apologize for the late reply. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and encourage me. I could no longer continue work and had am taking a long sick leave this time, to heal at a treatment center for a while and hopefully figure out something more in my niche.

Thank you again for your encouragements and support. I'll be wishing the best for you as well !

Kindest regards, Y