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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My MRI is Scheduled for Tuesday

Hope to be better soon. Right now my face is swollen like a chipmonk because of steroid anti-inflammation pills and my mind is numbed with pain pills. A. B.


Blueyedane said...

Sending all the positive energy and prayers I can your way. I hope that it is nothing serious and that it wont affect you or your quality of life that you've worked so hard to have.

Rod's Sharpening Service or Sharpening in Reston said...

Hello, I just recently found your book, Depression Is aChoice on the surpluss shelf of the Reston Library here and feel it is a real find. Though not depressed currently I just couldn't put it down. I particurally loved the story about the genus boy in your kindergarten. I will pray that you are free of pain and you have the full use of your body soon. I hope your swelling goes down soon, - Rod