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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Brainswitching as Post-Hypnotic Suggestion


I am a qualified counselor and Clinical Hypnotherapist in Australia. It is with great interest that I read an article of yours about brain switching and depression. I am going to purchase the book on Amazon, however I was wondering if brain switching could be incorporated as a post suggestion in a hypnotic script, and if it could, what would be the best way of going about this. I am seeing a clinically depressed client on Tuesday. Her husband has stated she is suicidal so any additional information which would help her would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.

All the best


Dear Christine,

Yes, you could use brainswitching as a post hypnotic suggestion. Whenever you think of something you make a new neural pattern of that thought. When you think of that same thing repetitively, over and over, you make the thought dominant. The brain always follows the direction of its most current dominant thought.

With hypnosis, you accomplish making the thought dominant with your post hypnotic suggestion since the hypnosis trance provides the same strength (dominance) to the thought as thinking the thought over and over repetitively.

Another way to make the thought more dominant is to think the thought during emotional stress. This is why faith healers say "You're cured" as they push the unwary person backwards. The person does not know that someone has been stationed behind them to cushion their fall, and so experiences emotional stress (fear) at the same time the thought occurs which "sets" the thought (makes it more dominant).

You have to decide what thought do you wish to "set" in your patient's brain. For myself I have "set" the thought "Do an exercise right away" and "linked it" (through learned association) to occur at the same time a depressive thought occurs.

Your patient will have to choose an exercise to use in place of the depressive thought, then you can link the idea of doing the exercise with the depressive thoughts as they surface. If someone is suicidal I would certainly make sure that they not be alone as long as they are suicidal, and that they do some hard physical exercise to tire themselves out--jogging, working out, etc. to deplete some of the stress chemicals. A. B. Curtiss

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