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Monday, October 3, 2011

Good Health Comes from being Self-responsible for it

Dear Ms Curtiss

I am reading a book its name is Treating Depression Naturally with Chinese Medicine. 

I found Chinese have a different opinion about the causes of depression. They relate depression to the weak functions from the Spleen, Kidney and the liver and their stagnant.

I think this is very different from the western medicine which say the main cause is the brain and the serotonin deficiency in the brain.

Dear R.

Yes, they both may be right. Remember that depression can be caused by any nutritional deficiency. I also want to give a response to another of your emails. I’m not sure I answered it.

Dear Ms Curtiss

After one month from feeling super active and high level of interest in joyful activity I came again to where I was before this month. 

I have good control of depression today but still I have a question about the low interest in joining life activities. 

Three days a go within maybe one hour only I felt the big change from a super active person and having high self esteem to suddenly different person.  

I am trying to find out what causes chemistry imbalance within one hour after one month from being active. I can say I really physically  felt the brain chemistry changing at that moment but no control. 

I think there must be an answer for this moment why this happened  R.

Dear R.

Of course there is a definitive answer for the extreme change in mood but I cannot give it to you. I do not know your emotional balance or your nutritional balance at the moment nor how effectively you are maintaining these balances. The only thing I can do is point out possibilities for you to investigate.

In the light of this, since I have already suggested Chinese medicine, homeopathic medicine and acupuncture, let me introduce another idea. This comes from the work of Abraham Low and Claire Weekes and I always suggest anyone might find reading both their book profitable as far as self-responsibility for one's own health is concerned. Claire Weekes book is called Hope and Help for Your Nerves, Low’s book is called Mental Health Through Will Training.

Both doctors suggest that many ailments that plague us with great pain and urgency can be mitigated by not paying attention to them. Symptoms like anxiety and sleeplessness and your description of your head sweating “from the inside, for instance” are distressing but may not, indeed, be at all dangerous.  This is similar to my work in depression where I found much depression can be mitigated by simply ignoring it. But, as Low goes on to say in his book, “people treat such suggestions with great hostility until they have trained themselves to follow such a program of “will training” “They rebel against the ‘indignity’ of being treated with a too simple method for such long term, debilitating problems. And yet, in his clinics, he showed success after success of such training.

Low goes on to say that the body (as well as the mind) is always registering sensations which we notice in passing, such as an itch, a need to cough, headache, fear of crowds, fear of people looking at us, fear of jumping off high places, sweaty hands, stomach ache etc. Many of these sensations come and go and we simple pay little attention to them. However if we concentrate on them due to some fear that they are the start of something dangerous or indicative of some health problem, these small sensations can build in importance until they can literally control us. He trained people to see that they could control the build up such life-spoiling body ills like obsessive compulsion, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness and headaches with training themselves not to respond to the early sensations that led to them.

This type of self-responsibility is not in fashion these days. People are very insistent that they deserve health care for diabetes, dementia, high blood pressure, cancer, and depression no matter how costly, and yet the last thing many people want to hear is what they are doing that has been causing their problem and what life-style changes they can make to cure their own ailments. Take sodas  as just one example. You see overweight people walking down the street with diet sodas all the time and yet there is hardly anything that promotes weight gain more than diet sodas. A. B. Curtiss

Thanks so much Ms Curtiss for the great info

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