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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Coue's Inspiring Mantra

Dear A. B.

I wanted to comment on your blog, but am having difficulty setting up  an account. You have been helping me for many years. I was so happy when you  started back on your blog, after your back operation.

For we all need you so much! Even though your book Depression is a Choice put me on the right track, I still get episodes of depression when life throws me big  challenges.Yet, at least these episodes are short lived as I zero in  on the brain switching techniques and within a few days or week, I've  been able to get back. I haven't been hospitalized for suicide  attempts ever since I started your techniques.

There are two blogs of yours which have helped me the most. The one  in which you told us to immediately focus on something to appreciate. Your most recent one talking about Emile Cou has been an eye-opener  for me. Recently I have been low  again, and then when I read your  blog I realized that I have been thinking far too many negative  thoughts. I'm now aware of them as they start to churn and have  decided not to think them.

I started doing the "I'm getting better day by day, everyday, in  every way" in the mornings when I first wake up and at night before  going to sleep. In such a short time, it has lifted me out of my  funk. So getting some energy at last, I've started doing it all day  long, when I notice negative thoughts starting. I am having such success with this mantra that it has inspired me to  change every negative thought into a positive one.

So I want to express my gratitude to you for starting back at your  blog when you are still not fully healed from your back operation,  and for sharing how you have been dealing with your anxiety.You have always been there for me, when a crisis hits. I go to your  blog and what you are writing about seems to be exactly what I need.I say prayers for your healing.Yours in gratitude, M___________

Dear M___________

Thank you so much for your rewarding letter. I think it would be very helpful for others for you to describe how you change into positive thinking. What kinds of thoughts do you substitute for the negative ones? A. B. Curtiss

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