Hi Ms Curtiss
How are you and Hope you keeping well. My life as general has
been improving after being busy with work and building a house.
New symptoms has to me suddenly without knowledge of why this
happens now. Its very annoying stops me from meeting people.
I really do not know if depression has a connections to
- arrogant suddenly to all people including my
close family father and mom and work mate which cause lots of embarrassing
to my self and annoying the psyche
- stops me from facing people
- easily noticed from people my face expressions
Is this because I have good work and going to have a small house
which impact my life, really do not know what to do

Thanks for usual Supprort Curtiss
First of all, I notice that your English is much improved.
Whenever you get discouraged
just think how far you have advanced yourself. Not too long ago you couldn’t
even get up the courage to apply for a job. We all have our forward advances
and our setbacks. You are no different from millions of other people who
struggle to keep themselves on the bright side of life. It takes effort to be a
cheerful, peaceful and giving, loving person.
Why aren’t we?The answer to that question is
the answer to many questions. The answer is FEAR. REPRESSED FEAR. Despite all
the work we do, we all have some lingering repressed fear that trips us up now
and then. It is this unacknowledged repressed fear that causes all the
arrogance and isolation for us. When we are afraid, we try to make ourselves
seem bigger and better somehow to protect ourselves. We don’t need to protect
ourselves but when we are afraid, we are just not aware that our fear causes us
to fear those around us and either blame them or cause us to think ourselves
better than they are. This is the way we keep from feeling vulnerable.
The good news is that we can
just allow ourselves to be vulnerable. We can mentally surrender to those
around us and let them do “their” thing. Yes, our fear will be hurting us but
if we just accept that it is fear from the past that has been repressed and
just needs to be accepted and finished, we can just “ride out” that painful
feeling. It usually doesn’t last long.
When we accept our emotional pain it
just finishes itself and fades away. While dealing with our repressed fear we
can treat the people around us with love and respect despite what flaws we may
see in them. Fear causes us to blame as well. But in this way those around us
are a great gift to us despite their flaws. They allow us to experience our
repressed fear so that we can finally unload it instead of carrying it around
with us. The less repressed fear we carry the more effective, joyful and
peaceful we are.
Take this setback as a gift that
you have further work to do with repressed fear. Read “The Ten Paradoxical
Commandments” for a reminder how to treat people and for a reminder of how to get in tourch with repressed fear, review Chapter Ten in Depression
is a Choice. It takes courage to face our own limitations. But that is the
way we grow and prosper. You have done so well so far. I’m sure you will
continue to do well. Keep in touch. A. B. Curtiss
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